Here we are: next trip to mother Africa the incoming tuesday october 16th 2018.
This time I’ll have some day to run around visiting new places, some day to ride and fix my charity programs around Nairobi and Malindi and, finally, some day to rest beacouse I need it. General plan?
General plan will be:
North of kenya
I’ll spend some days heading north from Nairobi to Samburu passing through mount Kenya. I did not yet visit this area and I want to check it out for 3 reasons:
– I would love to climb/trek the mount Kenya to the top in the next future, before attempting for the Kilimanjaro

Mount Kenya: 5.199mt, Kenya hightest mountain, Africa second hightest one. Photo credit:
– I’m planning a solo ride with my bmw gs 800 adventure from south to north of Kenya

An amazing ride with a maxi-trail bike around Africa for a full dose of adrenaline, adventure! Wildlife! Photo credit: unknown
– Next time I would love to spend more time heading norther ’till lake Turkana. Lake Turkana is everybody’s house: we all come from there..our first grand-grand…father/mother… If you want to have a look, here you can find an amazing timeline of the last decades of explorations and records

For over a century, explorers and scientists have been drawn to the Turkana Basin with a sense of awe for its remoteness and its secrets. The first paleontological expedition to the Turkana Basin occurred in 1902; the pace quickened soon after that, and in the following decades numerous expeditions explored the fossil deposits of Lake Turkana’s western shores. The east side of the lake, however, remained essentially unknown to paleontology until the 1960s. Photo credit:
I will get a charter flight (or a matatu…a local bus) to head south on the coast, picking up my Bajaji, the african motorcycle, and moving around as usual to discover new wild places, wild animals and mainly visit friends and…rest, think, meditate, breathe Africa and life..

The amazing seashore around Mambrui. Shot with a Mavic Pro drone.
Angaza Jr. School
I will catch up with my friend Thomas and getting to the Angazi Jr. School in kibokoni village to check the last works we did and planning the new ones with all the offers I got even this round (thanks thanks thanks..). This time I’m gonna buy even some soccers balls for the kids, they like it a lot..and I’ll sit down with them at school to take some more kiswahili classes 🤔😂

First charity project for the Angaza jr School of Kibokoni village, a great success!
Kibera family – Inua Mimi Rescue Center
I’ll heading north again to Nairobi to visit my friend Benson at the Inua Mimi rescue center in the Kibera slum, Nairobi’s ghetto. I’m looking forward to spend some time with him and his mom and, of course, with all the kids. Benson, ultimately, got his still camera broken up and it’s his way of communicate (amazingly) with the world to get helped with his precious project. So thanks to all of you guys, I will fix the situation with your contribute.

The big Family of the Inua Mimi Rescue Center of Kibera, Nairobi
Well, stay tuned here, on my facebook profile and on my instagram account “fastsky” for some update.
Thanks again to all, Asante sana